It's been a while since I've updated - partly because we've been so busy and partly because my heart just hasn't been in it. Thank you to all who prayed for Lowry's recovery - he enjoyed Easter with the King this year. The rest of his family is stuck here. Please continue to pray for his children - Melanie, Zach and Kasie and their spouses and children - and especially for his wife Kandi. She is one of the most godly women I have ever met and I've watched her give out more comfort than she took in. She gave a kind and encouraging word, a hug, a touch to the hundreds of people who came by. I really encourage you to read her latest article from Friday, March 21st linked to here. One short segment from the article -
Lowry would say to each of you, live like you believe, love as you have been loved by the Savior, hold your family as precious, your friends as treasures and never forget the words of Jesus: "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?'
Lowry and Kandi have often spoken of living a life filled with both God's grace and His righteousness, which can be such difficult things to hold in balance - they have made it seem attainable. I wanted to share just a flavor of Pastor Lowry's sermon, so here's a couple of minutes from Feb. 3rd. He's teaching from Exodus 33. I hope you get as much out of it as we did -