Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Now We Are Six (Really)

Wow, it's been a while since I've had a chance to post. With school and birthday madness, I feel like I haven't had a moment to spare. So, Em's finally six, and has informed us that we can no longer call her a "little" kid. We are free to call her a kid, just not a "little" kid. I don't think she's been a "little" kid since she learned how to talk. Sometimes I feel like I'm living with a short 25 year old.

So Kris called (hi Kris!) and left a message on the answering machine. She said something like - since you're not home, you must be out celebrating your birthdays in some grand and exciting way. Of course. I was at Chuck E. Cheese's. I detest Chuck E. Cheese's. Now I like flashing disco lights, bad pizza and unattended, sugar-intoxicated kids as much as the next girl, it's just that when you add the never ending, ear splitting noise I feel like I've wandered into a modern Salvador Dali painting. Emily loves it though, so to the mouse hole we go. If I were of a suspicious mindset, I'd think she was doing it just to bug me...hmmm.

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