Sunday, December 30, 2007

Emily's Rules of Etiquette

We all went to Wal-Mart after church today (because we're gluttons for punishment, that's why) and it was every bit as busy as it usually is. We ran into some friends that we hadn't talked to in a while and heard their hurricane story. They lived far enough from the beach that it never occurred to me that they would have a lot of damage. But it was the trees that got them. It's still amazes me how many people had such horrible damage.

Anyway we're finally leaving Wal-Mart and Caleb had been watching Emily while we checked out because there were so many people there. I guess she was not on her best behavior. On the way to the car Alex and I were ahead of Caleb, Joel and Emily and the three of them were having a conversation. I didn't hear it, but when it ended Joel kind of smothered a laugh. Caleb caught up to me and told me the story. Emily had been smacking Caleb in the store. I guess he told her to knock it off, but she didn't, so when we got outside he told Joel. It seems the conversation between the three of them went something like this -

Joel - Emily! That's not nice. What would you say if Caleb hit you?
Emily - Don't hit girls! That's the rule.
Caleb - What about 'Don't hit boys'?
Emily - I don't know that rule.

I guess there was a small gap in her education that needed to be plugged.

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